University School of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Study and Research
Lamrin Tech Skills University (LTSU) Punjab established School of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Study and Research on 25-03-2024 with aim to spread human values among new generations as preached by Guru Sahibs. The department has also set up a chair on the theme of Guru
Gobind Singh ji’s Life and Teachings with purpose to enhance research activities in this field.
The Tenth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh is a Divine Preceptor and visionary for noble cause of human welfare. He was a great religious
leader, a poet, a mystic, a true scholar, philosopher, fearless warrior and the military commander, who always fought against oppression. He gave idea of inclusiveness to build an ideal society which has to be developed on a platform where multi-religious, multi-lingual, multi-racial groups, people of different creeds, race and geographical areas mingle with each other and positively interact with one another for the protection of their basic human rights. Therefore, Guru ordered the Sikhs to follow the teachings of Holy Scripture of the Sikhs, Sri Guru Granth Sahib which uses interfaith message in various Indian languages and promotes co-operation between people of different faiths. All ten Sikh gurus strongly advocated the creation of a spirit of integration and harmony in a pluralistic society and always portrayed an earnest desire to pray for the welfare of the global society with the vision of “Sarbat
da Bhala”.
School of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Study and Research is fully dedicated to preserve the revolutionary mission and literary legacy of Sri
Guru Gobind Singh Ji and provide platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals and Students to promote high quality Empirical Research which unfold the historical facts and new insights of Guru Sahib’s life and works with a promise of embracing knowledge, skills
spirituality and progress having vision of empowering the youth with wisdom and inspiration.