Welcome to Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab, Ropar


Date: 09 May, 2024




The Finance Club of University School of Commerce and Management organized a compelling street play on May 9, 2024, focusing on the crucial theme of financial awareness regarding scams and frauds. Held at the Ground Floor of B Block, this initiative aimed to educate and empower individuals about the various financial scams prevalent in society today.

The primary objective of the street play was to raise awareness among students and faculty members about the different types of financial scams and frauds that individuals may encounter in their lives. By employing the medium of drama, the Finance Club sought to engage the audience and impart valuable knowledge on identifying and avoiding such scams.The street play commenced with an engaging enactment portraying common scenarios wherein unsuspecting individuals fall victim to financial scams. The actors skilfully portrayed characters who were lured by promises of quick wealth, only to be deceived by fraudulent schemes. Through dialogue and action, the play depicted scenarios involving phishing emails and fraud phone calls.As the narrative unfolded, the audience witnessed the devastating consequences faced by those who became entangled in financial scams. The actors effectively conveyed the emotional and financial turmoil experienced by the victims, emphasizing the importance of exercising caution in financial transactions.

The street play received an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience, comprising students, faculty, and staff members. Many expressed appreciations for the innovative approach to addressing such an important topic and commended the Finance Club for their efforts in promoting financial literacy and awareness.In conclusion, the street play organized by the Finance Club of USCM on the topic of financial awareness on scams and frauds was a resounding success. Through the powerful medium of drama, the club effectively conveyed valuable insights and practical tips for safeguarding oneself against financial scams. This initiative serves as a testament to the club's commitment to promoting financial literacy and empowering individuals to make informed decisions in their financial endeavours.